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Amber Resin in Sunflower Oil - For your soul to understand its cycle of life

Sandalwood - Sacred oil for meditation and deep spiritual awakening

Jasmine - Connects one to the divine realm and balances sacral chakra

Frankincense - Enhances spiritual awareness and intuition

Myrrh- Clears negativie energy, unites heaven and earth or the crown and root chakras

Cedarwood - Purifies energy, clears negativity, brings positivity

Rock Rose - Helps spiritual growth and attains expanded consciousness

Patchouli - Clears sacred space, aids relaxation and meditation

Vetiver - Purifies energy, increases intuition

Black Pepper - Calming and Centering, Spiritual protection

with Distilled Water and Perfumer's Alcohol

Prakriti Yoga Mat & Aura Mist

  • Prakriti is Sanskrit for "Ancient Essences of Nature". This scent is heavy and deep, great for enhancing meditation and spiritual practices.  Use during a yoga session to encourage relaxation and connection with self.

    Mist Face, Body, Room, Linens or Yoga Mat to enhance meditation or spiritual connection.  4 fluid ounces.

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