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We care about your privacy and we keep any personal information you share secure.

This policy covers user privacy, system security, and data collection practices. This Privacy Policy Statement applies only to the website for and our policy for storage and handling of information furnished by those who visit our website or contact us.

You are encouraged to also check the Privacy Policies of other web sites before providing any personal information.

Information presented on these pages, both text and images, are considered copyrighted original work and may not be distributed or copied without written consent of one of the representatives of Krystal Blue International or Valerie Graham Essentials, LLC.

When you make a purchase or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect certain information from you, including your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information, email address, and phone number.  We refer to this information as “Order Information.”  When we talk about “Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy, we are talking both about Device Information and Order Information.



There are two ways you can provide us with and consent to our collection of certain Personal Information.

1.  The first way is by E-mail Request - Links throughout our site provide you with the opportunity to contact us via e-mail to ask questions, request information and materials, or provide comments and suggestions. You may also be offered the opportunity to have us contact you personally to provide additional information about our products or services. To do so, we may request additional personal information from you, such as your name and telephone number, to help us satisfy your request.

2. The second way is by Enrollment - You may choose to enroll for one of our services such as a newsletter where we will request certain information from you. Depending on the type of service, you may be asked to provide personal information. We may require your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or supplemental information from you. This information is stored securely on Wix Servers and may be transferred to Mail Chimp.


We use the Order Information that we collect to fulfill any orders placed through the Site (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with invoices and/or order confirmations). 

We use this Order Information to communicate with you and screen our orders for potential risk or fraud.  When necessary, we may communicate with you via preferences you have shared with us or information you have provided relating to our products or services.

We use the Device Information that we collect to help us screen for potential risk and fraud or to improve and optimize our Site (for example, by generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with the Site).



We may share your Personal Information with third parties to help us use your Personal Information, as described above.  For example, we use to power our online store. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. 

We may also use Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use the Site. We use these statistics about your visit to help us improve the performance of our web site and over all user experience.

 We may also share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights. 

Under no circumstances do we transfer your email address to any other company, nor do we collect any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs.



We do not use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements.  We do not use cookies for this purpose. Cookies are small text files used by some websites to customize the site's behavior based on a user's past preferences. This website does not store or access any cookies on your computer.

We do not use clear GIFs or other covert data-collection sneakiness. This site does not contain any third-party advertising, hidden or otherwise, and will not collect any personal information from your web browser or any other software running on your computer.


When you place an order through the Site, we will maintain your Order Information for our records unless and until you ask us to delete this information.


We may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.



For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail using the details provided.

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